Share Your Project
Invite cowriters to join projects or send your script to others for feedback. Whatever your goal is with sharing, WriterDuet and our interactive script-review platform, ReadThrough, have your back.
*Note: Adding a collaborator as an Editor or Admin to your project is a paid feature. Upgrade your subscription today!
In This Article
To collaborate in WriterDuet, only one co-writer needs a paid subscription. If you have a paid account, you can invite a collaborator with a free account to as many projects as you like and write together in real-time. However, free collaborators won’t have access to the same paid features. They can edit shared projects but will need to upgrade to a paid subscription to unlock additional features (e.g., creating revisions).
Invite Collaborators by Email
- Select Share > Add/Remove Collaborators from the main menu
- You can also share from the Portfolio by right-clicking on the project and selecting Share
- Enter one email at a time
- If you have collaborated with this person before, their name will appear from your contacts list for you to select.
- Edit the permissions for each email listed
- Open the drop-down to the right of the email
- Select the desired permissions
- Admin - will allow them to edit and share the project just as you can. You are still the project owner.
- Editor - will allow them to edit the project
- Read-only - will allow them to view the project and leave comments
- Advanced
- Auto update - This is on by default. When off, the collaborator becomes a Static Collaborator and they will not see your changes unless you update them from the Share menu. See Update Static Collaborator below.
- As needed, add a message for the collaborator(s)
- Select Send # Invite(s)
- The collaborator will receive an email with a link to join the project.
- If your collaborator(s) do not receive the email, make sure the email was entered correctly and have them check their alternate email inboxes (Spam/Junk, Promotions, etc.).

Share a Link with Collaborators
Anyone who joins the project through this link will join with the permissions you set for the link. After they have joined, you can change each collaborator's permissions. See Edit Collaborator Permissions below.
- Select Share > Add/Remove Collaborators from the main menu
- You can also share from the Portfolio by right-clicking on the project and selecting Share
- Next to Create multi-use link, open the permissions drop-down
- The link's permissions can always be updated after creation
- The link is multi-use by default, meaning multiple people can use it and it does not expire unless it is "Removed"
- To change the link to single-use, meaning it can only be clicked once and then it expires:
- In the permissions drop-down, uncheck the box next to Multi-use
- Select the desired permissions
- Admin - will allow them to edit and share the project just as you can. You are still the project owner.
- Editor - will allow them to edit the project
- Read-only - will allow them to view the project and leave comments
- Advanced
- Auto update - This is on by default. When off, the collaborator becomes a Static Collaborator and they will not see your changes unless you update them from the Share menu. See Update Static Collaborator below.
- Select Create multi-use link to generate the link
- The link will be copied immediately after clicking to create
- If you are sharing the link again, select Copy multi-use link to copy the link
- Share the link with your collaborator(s) however you desire!
Create a New/Additional Share Link
- Select Share > Add/Remove Collaborators from the main menu
- Next to Copy multi-use link, open the permissions drop-down
- Select Create new link
- Edit the permissions as needed before copying to share

Edit Collaborator Permissions
Only the Admin of the project can change collaborator permissions. To request Editor or Admin access for a project, reach out to the project Admin or the person who invited you to the project.
- Select Share > Add/Remove Collaborators from the main menu
- Open the permissions drop-down to the right of the collaborator
- Select the desired permissions
- Admin - will allow them to edit and share the project just as you can. You are still the project owner.
- Editor - will allow them to edit the project
- Read-only - will allow them to view the project and leave comments
- Advanced
- Auto update - This is on by default. When off, the collaborator becomes a Static Collaborator and they will not see your changes unless you update them from the Share menu. See Update Static Collaborator below.
- Select the desired permissions
Remove a Collaborator
- Select Share > Add/Remove Collaborators from the main menu
- Open the permissions drop-down to the right of the collaborator
- Select Remove
- From the Chat widget located within the Comments tab, select the three-dot icon to the right of the collaborator's name
- Select Remove from project
Remove a Sharable Link
- Select Share > Add/Remove Collaborators from the main menu
- Next to Copy multi-use link, open the permissions drop-down
- Select Remove
Remove Yourself as a Collaborator
- While viewing the project, select File > Remove Project
- A prompt will appear asking if you are sure you want to "permanently stop collaborating" on the project.
- Select Remove
- This is an immediate action.
- You will no longer be able to view, comment, edit, or share the project. It will no longer appear in your portfolio.
- Open your portfolio
- Right-click on the project you wish to remove.
- Select Delete
- A prompt will appear asking if you are sure you want to "permanently stop collaborating" on the project.
- Select Remove
- This is an immediate action.
- You will no longer be able to view, comment, edit, or share the project. It will no longer appear in your portfolio.
Update Static Collaborators
Static collaborators will not receive your real-time changes to the document (though you will receive theirs) so manually updating them is the only way to ensure they have the most up-to-date version of the doc.
- Select Share > Add/Remove Collaborators from the main menu
- Open the permissions drop-down to the right of the collaborator
- Select Advanced
- Check the box next to Auto update if you would like the collaborator to see real-time changes
- Uncheck the box next to Auto update if you do not want the collaborator to see real-time changes
Share with non-WriterDuet Users
You can share a Publish link for people to read and leave comments on. See Publish a Comment-Friendly Link in ReadThrough for details.