Write Offline

Whether you don't have consistent access to an internet connection, or just prefer to work offline for productivity's sake, here are our recommended best practices for writing offline using WriterDuet.  

Online vs. Offline Behavior

When writing online, your work automatically and continually syncs to the WriterDuet servers. To learn more about how your work saves, see Save a Project.

Offline writing in WriterDuet is the most efficient when used in special or occasional circumstances: on the bus between locations with internet, a writing session in the park, during your flight to see Grandma, etc. If you choose to use WriterDuet for longer offline writing sessions, we recommend saving backups of your files during or at the end of long offline sessions. 

Note that your browser and the desktop app will store your changes locally during the time you are working offline. The longer you go without syncing those changes to the cloud, the greater risk you run of losing your work. 

Offline writing in WriterSolo is best if you plan to do most of your writing offline and do not require collaboration or accessing content from another device. See WriterSolo for more information.

You can identify if you are connected to the servers by the Online Status Indicator visible in your display. Its look and location will vary depending on your chosen layout.

  • Green indicator checkmark: All changes have been synced to the server and your script is fully up-to-date and saved. In WriterSolo, green means that you have downloaded a file since the last time you made an edit, so the saved file is up-to-date.
  • Yellow indicator checkmark: All changes are saved to the local memory (whether it is your browser or the desktop app), but there are some that have not been synced to the server yet. When in offline mode, this will be the indication that it is saving offline properly.
  • Red indicator checkmark: There have been changes made that are not yet saved to either the local memory or the server.
    • Warning: DO NOT close out of the tab or app when this indicator is red or you may lose content.

Online Status Indicator Look & Location

Write Offline in WriterDuet via...

The app in the web browser and the desktop app share all of the same features and functions with only minor differences in offline behavior. Keep in mind if you make changes while offline, they will not appear on other versions of the app until you have connected to the internet on the device you were using while offline.

The Desktop App

How does it work? All of your changes will be saved to the app's local memory. The next time you connect to the internet, all of those changes will be synced with our servers and reflected on all other versions of the app.

  1. Be sure to remain logged in after your last online writing session.
    1. Closing the application does not log you out. Only the action of selecting a "Logout" option will log you out.
  2. Start writing in the glorious freeness of offline!
  3. Leave the app open on your device or close it. 
    1. DO NOT logout. This will clear the app's local memory.
  4. To sync when connected to the internet again, the app must be open. 

Your Browser

How does it work? All of your changes will be saved to your browser's local cache and automatically sync to our servers the next time you connect to the internet!

  1. Be sure you are visiting WriterDuet on the same web browser and device you have been working on. 
  2. Be sure you remain logged in after your last online writing session
  3. Open your web browser (we recommend Google Chrome) and enter writerduet.com/script into the address bar to go directly to your most recent script.
  4. Start writing in the glorious freeness of offline!
  5. Leave the tab/window open or close it.
    1. CAUTION: Disable any custom browser settings that delete history/cache/cookies whenever a window is closed, as this could result in losing your work.
    2. DO NOT log out. This will clear your cache/any edits that are only saved offline.
  6. To sync when connected to the internet again, the app must be open.

Write Offline in WriterSolo via...

If you prefer the file-based system of writing and aren't in need of the collaborative or multi-device features of WriterDuet, you can use WriterSolo!
WriterSolo is a free version of WriterDuet that is not synced to any servers.

The Desktop App

How does it work? All of your changes will be saved to your device or email. 

  1. Open the app.
  2. Open a new project or open an existing project through File > Open.
  3. Save your work to your device or email. 
    1. You can also set up backups just as you can in WriterDuet. 
    2. Not saving will result in a loss of content. 

Your Browser

How does it work? All of your changes will be saved to your device or email. 

  1. Before going offline, go to WriterSolo.com at least once so the site is saved in your browser's history. 
  2. Open a new project or open an existing project through File > Open.
  3. Save your work to your device or email. 
    1. You can also set up backups just as you can in WriterDuet. 
    2. Not saving will result in a loss of content. 
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