Purchase & Redeem a Gift Card

Share the gift of WriterDuet with friends and family with a WriterDuet Gift Card.

Purchase and Send a Gift Card

  1. From the Menu, select Help > Gift Cards > Purchase Gift Card
  2. Enter the amount you would like to purchase
  3. Enter your card information
  4. Select Purchase 
    1. You will receive a confirmation message that includes the link to the Gift Card. You will also receive a confirmation email. You can share the link directly or forward the email.

Redeem a Gift Card

  1. Go to the link that was shared with you
    1. Log in, if you are not already
    2. A window will open with the Gift Card code immediately
  2. Select Submit 
    1. You will receive a confirmation message that the Gift Card has been applied to your account


  1. Copy the 16 character code from the URL (include the dashes)
    1. For example: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX
  2. From the menu in WriterDuet, go to Help > Gift Cards > Enter Gift Card
  3. Paste the 16 character code
  4. Select Submit 
    1. You will receive a confirmation message that the Gift Card has been applied to your account
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