
Want to leave yourself a little note or comment directly in the script? Working with collaborators and need to leave comments for later discussion? Helping edit a writer's document and need to leave them inline comments to address and resolve? Our Comments feature allows you to do all of those things and more!

Leave a Comment

  1. Hover the cursor over or click in the line you would like to leave a comment on
  2. Select the comment bubble that appears in the left margin
  3. Type the comment
  4. Press Enter/Return
    1. The comment will appear in the same color as your user icon, with your name, and a time stamp.
    2. Lines with comments will have a visible solidly outlined comment bubble

Line with a comment (solid outlined bubble) and a line with the cursor hovered over and comment option visible (grayed outlined bubble)

Add a File as a Comment

  1. Hover the cursor over the line you would like to leave a comment on
  2. Select the comment bubble that appears in the left margin
  3. Select the paperclip to the left of the add comment area
  4. Choose the file from your device
    1. The file will be added as a link

Tag a Collaborator in a Comment

  1. Hover the cursor over the line you would like to leave a comment on
  2. Select the comment bubble that appears in the left margin
  3. Type @[their name] to tag a collaborator. For example: To tag Emilia Bedelia, type @Emilia Bedelia.
    1. As you type their name, suggested names from your list of collaborators will appear. Select a name to apply.
  4. Press Enter/Return

Open Comments Widget

In the Comments widget, you will be able to see all of the comments for the document you are currently viewing.

In Default, Flow, Simplified, Hybrid, and Mobile Layouts

  1. Select the Comments & Chat icon in the left sidebar


In Classic and Expanded Layouts

  1. Open the Cards & Chat tab in the right widget panel


In other layouts

  1. Select View > Customize Layout
  2. Select the Widgets tab on the Customize Layout collapsible menu
  3. Click-and-hold the Comments widget to drag-and-drop it in the desired widget area

Comments Widget

Comments Widget View Options

In the Comments widget, you can filter and organize the comments you view based on unresolved, resolved, removed, users, colors, etc.

  1. Open the Comments widget
  2. Select the small triangle (looks like an upside-down pyramid) in the top right corner of the widget
  3. Select the Sort by option(s) you desire
    1. Asc./Desc. - Choose to have the comments sorted by:
      1. Date ascending - Will show comments in the order they were made with the oldest at the top and the newest at the bottom.
      2. Date descending - Will show comments in the reverse order they were made with the newest at the top and the oldest at the bottom.
      3. Line ascending - Will show comments in the order they appear in the document from beginning to end.
      4. Line descending - Will show comment in the order they appear in the document from end to beginning.
    2. Users - Select the collaborator(s) whose comments you would like to see.
    3. Colors - If you have used comment coloring to help categorize comments, select the color(s) you would like to see, so you can address all of the comments for that category.
  4. Select the comment status you would like to Show
    1. Show unresolved comments - Will show only the sorted comments that have not been resolved or removed
    2. Show resolved comments - Will show only the sorted comments that have been resolved
    3. Show removed comments - Will show only the comments that have been removed
    4. Show comments from deleted lines - Will show comments on any lines that have been removed from the document

Comment Options

Each comment has a set of options that can be edited in the Comment window that opens in the margin or in the Comments widget on the side of your display.

Color code your comments

Similar to tagging, assign certain colors to related comments to help categorize their importance or purpose. This can be very useful later when you would like to see all comments related to edits, or all comments related to production. 

  1. Open the comment in the left margin or open the comments widget
  2. Hover the mouse over the comment
  3. Select the three dots in the top right corner to the top right corner of the comment
  4. Select Color
  5. Select the desired color
    1. The color of the comment and comment bubble in the margin will change
    2. This will not change the creator of the comment or the time stamp

Color options for comments in comment window or Comments widget

Reply to a comment

  1. Open the comment in the left margin or open the comments widget
  2. Hover the mouse over the comment
  3. Select Reply (with the round comment bubble icon) to the bottom right corner of the comment
  4. Type the comment
  5. Press Enter/Return

Resolve a comment

  1. Open the comment in the left margin or open the comments widget
  2. Hover the mouse over the comment
  3. Select Resolve (with the checkmark icon) to the bottom left corner of the comment
    1. The comment will be marked as resolved and disappear from view in the margin. If there is more than one comment on the line, it will only disappear from the comment window.
    2. To UNRESOLVE a comment see Comments Widget View Options above to
      1. Filter the view to Resolved comments
      2. Select the three dots to the top right corner of the comment
      3. Select Unresolve
        1. The comment will return to its original location

Edit a comment

You can only edit comments you have left

  1. Open the comment in the left margin or open the comments widget
  2. Hover the mouse over the comment
  3. Select the three dots in the top right corner to the top right corner of the comment
  4. Select Edit
  5. Edit the comment
  6. Press Enter/Return

Change the comment color for the entire project

  1. Select Customize > Editing
  2. Under Editor find Comments
  3. Select the Project Comment color selector
    1. This will apply the selected color to all future comments for EVERY writer on the project

Remove a comment

  1. Open the comment in the left margin or open the comments widget
  2. Hover the mouse over the comment
  3. Select Remove (with the trashcan icon) to the bottom left corner of the comment
    1. The comment will be marked as removed and disappear from view in the margin. If there is more than one comment on the line, it will only disappear from the comment window.
    2. To UNREMOVE a comment see Comments Widget View Options above to
      1. Filter the view to Removed comments
      2. Select the three dots to the top right corner of the comment
      3. Select Unremove
        1. The comment will return to its original location

Export Comments in a PDF

  1. Use the PDF w/Notes report feature


  1. Select File > Export
  2. Select PDF as the File Type
  3. Select Include Notes under PDF Options
    1. This will create a PDF with all of the comments as Note lines in the script. 
    2. They will appear in gray.

Highlight Comment Icons

  1. Select Customize > Display
  2. Check Highlight comment icons 

Highlight Off

Highlight On
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